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The elusive stress-free job

There were a number of reasons why I walked away from a successful career in Publishing; I missed having time with my kid, my daycare bill was gigantic, and my monthly travel bill wasn't much better. But my skyrocketing stress-level was a major one. I didn't realise quite how stressed I was until I stopped working and I found I could breathe again. I mean I had two kids under two so there were stressful moments for sure, but nothing like that crushing weight of trying to juggle a full-time job at a national newspaper with a full-time job as a Mom. And I don't handle stress well; I have a busy brain that often leaves me wide awake at 3am. I panic and find myself completely unproductive. I stress eat, I lose my temper, and I cry.

So I set out to find the holy grail of careers; something interesting and rewarding that was totally flexible around my family and was totally stress free. And you know what? As I Reflexologist I found it. I can work as much or as little as I like. Many of my clients request evening appointments which allow me to go to work as my children are going to bed. And I love what I do - its relaxing and its incredibly rewarding.

Stress is usually thought of negatively, but actually the stress response is a vital reaction of the human body. The stress response is managed by the endocrine and sympathetic nervous systems to prepare us for exciting/stressful situations. Hormones called adrenaline and noradrenaline are released into the bloodstream to ready the body for ‘fight-or-flight’ situations. The heart rate quickens, blood pressure increases, pupils dilate, and blood is diverted to essential organs such as the heart, brain and skeletal muscles. It is only supposed to be a short term response, so if the body is under longer term stress and permanently on ‘high-alert’ there can be negative effects; increased blood pressure, impact on metabolism and digestion, and a decreased immune system.

Stress affects everyone differently, but common reactions include:

· Cognitive – indecisiveness, poor concentration and memory

· Emotional – mood swings, aggressive behaviour, or depression

· Behavioural – sleep problems, avoiding people/situations, demotivation, and increasing alcohol, cigarette or drug consumption

· Physical – headaches, chest pain, digestive issues, and muscle tension and pain

When suffering with stress reviewing your nutrition and alcohol/caffeine intake, physical exercise, and talk therapy are very helpful. You should take time to nourish your body through diet and rest and take part in activities that restore balance, such as exercise, hobbies, and complementary therapies.

Reflexology is a wonderful therapy for stress-relief as it can put the body in a state of complete relaxation. When you are relaxed tension in your muscles is released, nerve function improves, as does your circulation of blood and lymph which can help with overall health and wellbeing. It is also common to see the quality of your sleep improve with regular Reflexology with many people experiencing deeper, longer and more restorative sleep after treatments.

If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed then why not try a relaxing Reflexology treatment in the comfort of your own home? I cover Oakville, Burlington, Milton and Mississauga and offer evening appointments which are perfect after a stressful day at work or with the kids.

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